WingBra Media Coverage

It's a popular hit!

How to wear WingBra

WINGBRA試穿心得→將貧胸貼成飽滿美胸的秘密武器我找到啦~!...如果不貼封箱膠帶又沒有胸,那怎麼辦?今天我學到了一個新的秘密武器→堪稱一片式的隱形膠帶: WINGBRA!


使用非常簡單,黏第一次就成功了, 照著說明書的圖片一步一步來就非常容易喔^^而且我覺得它的效果會比傳統來的更好,因為是一片式的,包覆感很好,可以使胸部更加集中~比較也不容易跑位XD

Nini (Taiwan Blogger)

...沒錯就是這條長著翅膀,有wing的bra...,,結合了nude bra 與封箱膠紙兩者合—的優勢,化妝間的後台或許能夠告別滿是膠紙與剪刀的畫面...


Why WingBra is so popular?

WingBra is designed for Asian fit, which can create ultimate cleavage for all cup sizes. WingBra is recommended by celebrities and artists, and commonly used in concerts & shows. Unlike traditional nude bra, WingBra offers the distinctive lifting feature (no sagging) with its feather-weight lightness design. Together with the specially-designed WingBra Link, the total WingBra Professional Kit (Plus) conforms with your curves, and enhance your breasts to the fullest look!